Tuesday, 14 June 2016

FINALLY that Swirlshine ''charcoal''drawing

(charcoal is in ''s bc I couldn't find my charcoals and I did it with pencil XD)
Yus, I scruffily made it today! It would be much better if I used charcoal, though.

Sorry for terrible quality, my dad's camera had no battery and my tablet takes terrible snaps.

(deez eyez)

Monday, 13 June 2016


Hey ppl! I am thinking of making an AJMV (since I found out how to crop videos and add transparent background).
I would be glad if anyone could help!!
Comment down if you are willing to help, probably something like: ''I would like to help!'' etc.,etc.
OK, cya on AJCC!

Heh, my portrait XD